On the 28th of August, I had my first Holy Communion my First Confirmation. I was really nervous because I had to stand up in front of a huge amount of people and being blessed.
When I was walking the aisle I started to shake because I didn’t know what to do, so then I went and sat down at the front seats where all the 21 candidate were sitting.
My brother and I were wearing Tongan Clothes to represent our culture. Joshua and his family were wearing tongan clothes as well. There were a huge crowd there to support their children in receiving their first Holy Communion and their First Confirmation.
The mass was very long and I was really hungry for the food that my Aunties and Uncles were cooking at home. When the mass ended, we took photos with Bishop Patrick Dunn and also Father Felise. I was really happy to meet the Bishop of New Zealand in person.
When we got home we all as a family celebrated by having a feed.
This is a day that I will never forget.